CMS Electracom - Work Experience
From Jan 2020 - Feb 2021, I worked for CMS Electracom as their Design Intern
Beginning on a full time fixed contract as an intern, then moving to a permanent part time role, I worked at the CMS office in Kings Park.
CMS Electracom is a softwiring and electric product company. World leaders in their niche, CMS develops high end office electrical infrastructure for businesses, retail, and many unique spaces. Their portfolio is substantial, see it here:
My university campus was integrated with CMS designs throughout, of which I’d found myself praising before even learning of CMS, further peaking my interest in designing with the company.
Power Rail Research
During and between design work, I’d be off doing pre-production research. The processes here utilised software/electrical testing products and recording a large amount of data per item. I’ve never done so much data entry for a design after it was prototyped, but CMS is thorough.
Other forms of design research occured at this stage too, such as testing prototype’s resistance to force, exact colours and textures of injection molds, etc.
Product Design Work
Occasionally I’d be given design work. This was in the form of facilitator products, or in assistance to another designer on larger projects.
See below for e.g. of a product design I’d be tasked - THD series sheet metal bracketing system. Products like this are manufactured in Melbourne, thus the design office is very close with fabrication - invaluable to the design process.
Product Testing
While I was at CMS, the reasons why design research was so important occasionally showed up in a product. Below is a gas-strut based monitor arm, of which came from the factory with manufacturing issues.
Part of my role was diagnosing and documenting product issues. It was a surprisingly interesting part of the design process!